Democratic Candidate Governor Forum

The Democratic Candidate Forum for Governor will be uploaded and released through a link that will be posted here on 4/30 at 7:00 pm. This is a Western Montana co-hosted event by the following County Democratic Central Committees: Missoula, Ravalli, Sanders, Mineral, Flathead, Lincoln, and Lake.

Please join to watch Mike Cooney and Whitney Williams and their Lt Gov Candidates, Casey Shreiner and Buzz Mattelin discuss issues important to Montanans.

MCAT will broadcast on channel 189:
May 20 6:30pm
May 23 9:00pm

Event will be moderated by Erin Erickson, Missoula Attorney and founder of Missoula Rises.

Please share widely!

Paid for by the Missoula County Democrats | Pam Walzer, Treasurer P.O. Box 9305, Missoula, MT 59807