Since we recently passed the resolution to act decisively on climate change, and in the wake of our most recent program on climate change, we will be sharing out opportunities to act. There are several things in the hopper this month that I think deserve our attention!
Missoula Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
This week, the Missoula City-County & Climate Smart Missoula will be holding a listening session for comments and feedback for the climate change vulnerability assessment. The listening session will be held Tuesday, May 16, noon- 1:30 in the County Courthouse, Sophie Moiese Room - enter off Pine, main floor, first door on right. Can't make it? No problem, you can provide feedback in other ways. This link provides the draft climate vulnerability assessment and explains ways to provide input:
Northwestern Energy Rate Case Hearing
Northwestern Energy will begin a rate case hearing with the Public Service Commission. The PSC will decide the fate of NW Energy's draft Resource Procurement Plan, in which they propose to increase our energy rates and make rooftop solar financially unattractive.
Unfortunately, it is past the time to comment directly on their draft Resource Procurement Plan (available here: but you can still make your voice heard to the PSC.
They are accepting comments over the duration of the rate case hearing, so please contact our commissioner, Bob Lake, at (406) 444-6167 or send comments via the web here: The are also holding a few more listening sessions in Helena, if you feel like traveling!
If you need some information about the plan, the Missoula Current has been following the story (see below). Also, the Montana Environmental Information Center has some talking points here: Please note, these talking points do not address the issue of changes to rooftop solar and net metering, which is an important consumer benefit that needs protection.